what is our responsibility in conservation of cultural and natural heritage
Our responsibility is to ensure that our heritage can be conserved by awareness programs, and government policies.
- Heritage of a country has a direct impact various industries and helps them to grow.
- People travel to understand the local customs and traditions of a place and carry it forward. Thus, it is our responsibility to conserve our heritage.
- It can be conserved as -
1. According to Article 49 of the Constitution it is every State's duty and responsibility to protect its historical sites.
2. The government has launched various funds for the conservation of the our culture and history.
3. People can organise various awareness campaigns.
4. At historical monument premises, proper waste disposal practices must be followed. One must not destroy or write on walls.
5. Various government schemes to promote sustainable heritage must be carried out
6. To preserve our natural heritage such as lakes or wildlife, we must judiciously use resorces and curb pollution.
our responsibilty in conserving the cultural and natural heritage is dependent on the youngsters of the nation.
preserving our culture and heritage keeps our integrity as a people.Natural heritage is a gift we humans recievd from nature ,we need to conserve it for future generations.
our key responsibiites for saving our natural heritage is :
- change start's from us , so let us humans start to destroy trees and palnt more trees for future.
- youngsters are the future rising stars ,so they should be doing things in a way to conserve nature and need to become inspiartion for future generations.
- Even govenrnement played a crucial role in past and futre projcts to conserve cuktural and natural heritage.
- Proper awerness needed to reach people that heritage and culture is what makes pride for poeple.