what is permanent Tissue..
Answer: Permanent tissues are a group of living or dead cells which are formed by meristematic tissues that have lost their ability to divide. That is, these tissues have undergone differentiation and are incapable of meristematic activities
Tissues that have become mature and do not have the ability to divide further are called permanent tissues. Permanent tissues are made up of cells that do not undergo cell division. The cells in these tissues are modified to perform some specific functions. The cells in permanent tissues are fully grown, bigger in size, and have a certain shape. The metabolic rate is lower in the cells of permanent tissues. Permanent tissues are derived from the meristematic tissue.
Permanent Tissue Diagram
Types of Permanent Tissue
Depending upon their structure, origin, and function permanent tissues are of 3 types.
Simple Permanent Tissue
Complex Permanent Tissue
Secretory Tissues
Simple Permanent Tissue
Simple permanent tissues are made up of cells from the same origin, which have similar structures and functions. They are also called as homogenous tissues and they are further classified into three types.
Parenchyma is the kind of simple permanent tissue found all through the plant body. These tissues are made up of living cells with thin cell walls which are loosely packed to accommodate the intracellular space. The cells of parenchyma permanent tissue are generally round or oval in shape. Parenchyma consists of chlorophyll, that’s why it takes part in photosynthesis. It also has storage functions as well as other functions. The cell wall of parenchyma is made up of cellulose and consists of vacuoles and a nucleus.
Collenchyma is also a living tissue consisting of a thick cell wall that is made up of cellulose, water, and pectin. The cells are compactly packed in collenchyma tissues causing a very less intracellular space. The refractive index of collenchyma tissue is the highest due to the presence of pectin. It contains less amount of chlorophyll. It is mainly found in the hypodermis of the leaves and stems of dicots. It is not found in the roots of plants and neither in the monocots. The functions of these tissues are to provide mechanical strength, elasticity, and tensile strength to the plant body. It also participates in the sugar manufacturing within the plant body and stores it in the form of starch. It is also found in the leaf margins to prevent the leaf from tearing by the wind.
Sclerenchyma tissue is composed of dead cells that have a thick cell wall with negligible protoplasm. The secondary cell wall of these tissues is very thick and secretes lignin, which provides mechanical support to the plants. There is a complete absence of intramolecular space between the cells. Due to thick and rigid outer cell walls consisting of lignin, it is impermeable to water.
Complex Permanent Tissue
Complex permanent tissues are a collection of structurally different cells working together as a unit performing various complex functions. Thus, complex tissues consist of cells that are not of one type. Complex permanent tissues are also called vascular tissues because they help the transportation of water, minerals, and organic matter throughout the plant body. The two most common complex permanent tissues found in plants are Xylem and Phloem.