What is Physics? Discuss the relation between Physics & technology.
the scientific study of natural forces such as sound,light,heat,electricity.etc
the application of the principles of physics for practised purposes become technology.
physics is a science which deals with the study of nature and natural phenomena.The word physics come from a Greek word 'fusis' meaning nature and was introduced by the ancient scientist Aristotle.In early days physics was confined to the study of processes in which the nature of the participating substances did not change. Today this has been discarded and we define physics as a science whose objective is to study the components of matter and other mutual interactions.Interms of these interactions the scientists explain the properties in the bulk and also the other observed phenomena.What we do in physics is to discover laws, that are operating in nature, with continuous observation and experimentation with the help of these laws we try to explain and predict new phenomena.Above all we make use of all our discoveries for the benefit and advancement of human society.physics helped to develop technologies like MRI Scanners, x-rays, radiation therapy for cancer treatment, computer, television and many more.......
I'm a first year student my knowledge is limited hope this helps.....