English, asked by VadaliyaSumit3714, 1 year ago

What is pi seeking that can solely be attained by this apparent contradiction


Answered by wajahatkincsem


Pi had always a strong belief in God while he was struggling in the boat. However, he seems to be losing focus on it eventually.


Pi's love for the God id the prominent feature of the novel. However, when his physical needs dominated his spiritual beliefs, the believe in God becomes less prominent when he was abroad the lifeboat. This, ultimately, underscores the concept of the primacy of survival.  

Answered by presentmoment


Life of Pi presents the viewer with some serious ironical instances and contradictions. Pi is convinced with the idea of God when he is small and practices the ideas of it by saying no to meat products.

However when he is solely present on the boat, his views and perspectives change about God and it is ironical that now he depends upon meat for his survival where once he had said no to it. Therefore he loses his faith and hopes eventually.

The story, therefore, evolves in between contradiction of hopes and faiths and Pi at the end has restored all his faith back again by throwing the faith he held onto when he was a child.

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