English, asked by hadiakh100, 9 months ago

What is poet intention in poem the wind begins to rock the grass?


Answered by ansari7070

Here is your answer:-

Emily Dickinson’s “the wind begins the grass” is a poem on nature. This is the pre-setting of rain. In the first stanza, the poet explains that the wind had started blowing and it started moving the grass, it was creating menace to Earth by moving dirt from one place to another and to Sky by pushing the dust and heat.The wind dirtied the Earth by making the leaves to fall from its tree and to fly in different directions and the wind scooped the dust like the way we scoop the ice-cream and threw it on the roadThe poet then describes about the thunder and the lightning.  She says that the sound of the thunder made the wagons and the people who were walking on the street, to move fast.  The lightning is compared to beak and claws of an angry bird.

The poet, due to her sickness during certain part of her life, was confirmed to the four walls of her house.  It was during those times, most of her poetry was written.  The last lines of this poem state the same.  She says that when she looked out of her Father’s place, she could see that the rain had covered quarter part of a tree.

The poet, due to her sickness during certain part of her life, was confirmed to the four walls of her house.  It was during those times, most of her poetry was written.  The last lines of this poem state the same.  She says that when she looked out of her Father’s place, she could see that the rain had covered quarter part of a tree.In this poem, the poet has used similes and imagery as a poetic device and she explains the terror that nature could create on the living beings.

I hope this answer will help you.....

Answered by Monimoy3952


Emily Dickinson's “the wind ……the grass” is a poem on nature. This is the pre-setting of rain. In the first stanza, the poet explains that the wind had started blowing and it started moving the grass, it was creating menace to Earth by moving dirt from one place to another and to Sky by pushing the dust and heat.


Please mark me as brainliest else u will be ......

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