What is polysaccharides?
⭐. Polysaccharides are long chains of sugars.
⭐. They are threads containing different monosaccharides as building blocks.
⭐. Cellulose is a polysaccharide consisting of only one type of monosaccharide ie ., glucose .
⭐. Cellulose is a hypo polymer . Starch is a varient of this.
⭐. Animals have another varient called glycogen . Insulin is a polymer of fructose.
⭐. In a polysaccharide chain , the right end is called reducing end and left end is called non -reducing end . It has branches as shown in the form of a cartoon.
⭐. Starch forms helical secondary structures . Starch can hold I2 moles in the helical portion.
⭐. The starch - I2 is blue in colour .
⭐. Cellulose does not contain complex helices and hence cannot hold I2 .
⭐. There are more complex polysaccharides in nature.
⭐. Exoskeleton of arthropods , cell wall of fungi is chitin . Its is a complex polysaccharide .
⭐. These complex polysaccharidee are heteropolymers.