Biology, asked by rahuljain321, 1 year ago

what is polysome..


Answered by Dharmendra2120
hey dear friend here your
answer is ::

Biologycally it is defined as ::
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The polysome or polyribsome is a chain of ribosomes attached to a single mRNA.
This chain of ribosomes translate the mRNA into proteins i.e these help in the translation process.

Explaination ::
Many ribosomes bind to a single molecule of mRNA, as a single mRNA is used for the synthesis of many copies of proteins simultaneously.
Hence, polysomes are involved in the cellular synthesis of a polypeptides and proteins.
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Good day ::

tishakpatel26: Polysome a complex of ribosomes strung along a single strand of messenger RNA that translates the genetic information coded in the messenger RNA during protein synthesis
Answered by Anonymous
Hello Friend...❣️❣️


The answer of u r question is..✌️✌️

✨What is polysome??✨


The terms of polysome.

✴️A cluster of ribosomes held together by a strand of RNA which each is translating..

✴️A complex of ribosomes strung along a single stand of messenger RNA that translates the genitic in formation coded in the messenger RNA during protein synthesis..

✴️It is a complex of mRNA molecule and one or two .

Explanation of Polysome

❇️They act as platform for signaling molecules to get involved in the emergence of polypeptide and ribosomes and aid the maven poly peptides to fold in the presence of chaperones ,which later impact on the function of synthesis polysomes.

❇️Polysomes is consisting of various number of ribosomes and each ribosomes contribute to the addition of its sustainable mass.


Thank you...✨✨✨

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