what is pop up window and pop up blocker
A pop-up blocker is software that prevents pop-up windows from appearing on a website. Some pop-up blockers work by immediately closing the pop-up window, while others disable the command that calls the pop-up window. Most browser software allows the user to turn the blocker on or off.
☣Pop - up window
▪Pop - up window is also known as pop up advertising are the advertising method over the internet www.⤴
Many companies show pop up windows to advertising their products.⤴
↪example :- When we open a site or YouTube video then before the video or sites open we have to see a 5 second advertising's.
☣Pop - up - blocker
▪Pop - up - blocker is an app or program which help us to block the pop-up-sites or advertisement.
↪Example :- Google Chrome browser have an option to close pop - up - site or windows.