what is posters write about posters and give the pictures of it
What is poster Writing?WHAT IS A POSTER?
Posters are placards displayed in a public place announcing or advertising something. Posters are notices, advertisements and invitations—all in one.
The purpose of designing a poster is either to create social awareness about issues related to current problems and needs, or to advertise or even to extend public invitations and display notices.
Posters should be colourful, attractive and tempting. (i) They must be drafted carefully to attract the attention of the readers, excite their imagination and influence their minds. (ii) Posters are read from a distance. Do not give many details in a poster. Highlight only important issue/issues.
(a) Layout Visually attractive/Eye Catching Title-suggestive/catchy Use slogan, jingle or short verse Sketch or simple drawings Letters of different size and shape Proportionate spacing, etc
(b) Contents The theme or subject of the poster Description or details associated with the theme Essential details like time, date, venue (for an event) Name(s) of issuing authority/organisation, etc
(c) Expression Phrases, slogans, persuasive language Creativity in terms of content and design Overall organisation and sequencing of the Observe word limit (usually 50)
Picture of posters attached above.

A notice is put on the notice board and is meant for only those who are part of the organisation.A poster is a notice written on a much larger scale and for much bigger number of people. A poster is put up in public places to catch the eye of every possible even the size of a poster is many times larger than the size of a notice board. Fewer words are used in a poster but they are printed in much bigger and bolder letters since the number of words is fewer a poster maker uses a variety of types sizes and forms to make the poster eye-catching and attractive. Illustration such as pictures and sketches are commonly used in posters. Slogans are commonly used in posters because posters give a Punch to the message conveyed through the poster.