What is potato osmoscope? Why do we use it?
Potato tuber is taken and its one end is cut to make it flat. At the other end of the potato, a cylindrical cavity is made. Strong sugar solution is poured into the cavity of the potato. This initial level is marked with the help of a ball pin. This set up is called potato osmoscope or potato osmometer.
Uses : Demonstration of osmosis in a living system can be one using the potato osmoscope. A potato is peeled and one side is flattened which serves as the base. ... This proves the entry of water into the sugar solution through the potato tissues which serve as the selective permeable membrane.
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✏Potato Osmoscope :The osmotic entry or exist of water can be recorded to it is called potato osmoscope. The potato surface serves as a semi - permeable membrane. Potato skin is peeled off. The bottom is made flat. A central cavity of potato and level is marked. Mouth of the cavity is closed by one hole rubber stopper. A glass tube is inverted through the hole and end should dip the sugar solution. The potato is placed in a small beaker containing water. After sometime raise in level of sugar solution is noticed.The initial level is marked with the help of a ball pin. Demostration of osmosis in a living system can be one using the potato osmocope....