what is press trust of India ? give me answer with explanation.
news agency
press trust of India (PTI) news agency cooperative ly owned by Indian newspaper which joined together to take over the management of the associated press of India and I he Indian outlets of the Reuters news agency of Great Britain it began operating In Feb 1949 and is headquartered in Mumbai
please mark me brainliest answer
The Press Trust of India Ltd., commonly known as PTI, is the largest news agency in India It is headquartered in New Delhi and is a nonprofit cooperative among more than 500 Indian newspapers and has about 500 full-time employees as of Jan 1,2020 including about 400 journalists and 500 part time correspondents located in most of the district headquarters in the country.A few correspondents are based in major capitals and important business centres around the world. It took over the operations of the Associated Press of India from Reuters after India's independence in 1947. It provides news coverage and information of the region in both English and Hindi. Its corporate office is located at Sansad Marg, New Delhi and registered office in D N Road, Mumbai.