What is rancidity?? : )
Hey r u in 8th class???
Answered by
• Rancidity is the spoilage of food when it comes in the contact of air or oxygen is called Rancidity.
• When we keep a bread in open air or in open surrounding for 2-3 days , it spoils and give very bed smells , it is the Rancidity.
• If you want to save the bread from Rancidity then you should keep it in refrigerator. Refrigerator is the best thing to prevent from Rancidity, anything of vegetables you should put it in refrigerator.
Hope it helpful to you mate if you satisfied then please mark me as brainlest ☺❤❤❤❤☺
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Rancidity is the aerial oxidation of fats and oils which leads to unpleasant taste and smell
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