what is rate of GST on special goods?
it depends but you can see
- Hotels (Room Tariff of Rs.7501 or above) 28% 18%
- Hotels (Room Tariff from Rs 1,001 to Rs 7,500) 18% 12%
- Woven/ Non-woven Polyethylene Packaging bags 18%
- 12%
- Marine fuel 18% 5%
what is rate of GST on special goods?
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in English
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्स
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजे
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch Results
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the web
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?GST Rate revision in 37th GST council meeting
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?GST Rate revision in 37th GST council meetingItem Old Rate New Rate
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?GST Rate revision in 37th GST council meetingItem Old Rate New RateDiamond Job work 5% 1.50%
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?GST Rate revision in 37th GST council meetingItem Old Rate New RateDiamond Job work 5% 1.50%Other Job work 18% 12%
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?GST Rate revision in 37th GST council meetingItem Old Rate New RateDiamond Job work 5% 1.50%Other Job work 18% 12%Hotels (Room Tariff of Rs.7501 or above) 28% 18%
what is rate of GST on special goods?Results in Englishव्हाट इस रेट ऑफ़ गस्त ों स्पेशल गुड्सहिन्दी में नतीजेSearch ResultsFeatured snippet from the webImage result for what is rate of GST on special goods?GST Rate revision in 37th GST council meetingItem Old Rate New RateDiamond Job work 5% 1.50%Other Job work 18% 12%Hotels (Room Tariff of Rs.7501 or above) 28% 18%Hotels (Room Tariff from Rs 1,001 to Rs 7,500) 18% 12%