what is relationship..

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The surface energy balance (SEB) describes the partitioning of energy fluxes toward and away from the surface. The local SEB determines the surface temperature of the Earth (T
) and the associated exchange of energy between the surface and the atmosphere on one hand, and between the surface and the subsurface layers (whether it be soil, rock, water, snow, or ice, see Figure
) on the other. When the surface consists of snow or ice, the SEB also determines the amount of energy that is available for sublimation and melting/freezing. These processes directly couple the SEB to the
(SMB). In this entry, we describe the components of the SEB, and give six examples of the annual SEB cycle, all with a permanently snow-/ice-covered surface, .
The relationship between two people or groups is the way in which they feel and behave towards each other. ... A relationship is a close connection between two people, especially one involving romantic feeling..