English, asked by ItzDoodle, 3 months ago

What is scold??
Answer in 75 words​


Answered by sharmababita10021986


scold, upbraid, berate, rail, revile, vituperate mean to reproach angrily and abusively. scold implies rebuking in irritation or ill temper justly or unjustly.When you scold someone, you (often angrily) point out and criticize some fault or error. If you forget again to clean up your room, your mom might scold you for it. Scold can also be used as a noun to describe a person who irritates people by finding fault in everything. ... She's a scold. Maybe she's cranky.

Answered by Freks

In the common law of crime in England and Wales, a common scold was a type of public nuisance—a troublesome and angry person who broke the public peace by habitually chastising, arguing and quarrelling with their neighbours. Most punished for scolding were women, though men could be found to be scolds.

Now stop wasting your points or else I will not talk to u!

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