Science, asked by BrainlyFIRE, 1 year ago

What is Selection of seeds and sowing


Answered by Anonymous

Selection of seeds and sowing:-

After the field is prepared , seeds are selected. While selecting seeds following suggestions should be kept in mind.

1. Select only good quality, disease- resistant and high yield seeds.

2. Treat the seeds with a fungicide before sowing.

Seeds are then sown in the field by any of the two methods described below :

1) By Scattering them in field by hand:-

This method is called broadcasting. Broadcasting may also be done by using mechanical broadcasters.

2) By using seed- drills :-

Sowing by using a seed - drill saves time and labour. Seeds are placed in seed bowl . As the plough moves, it makes furrows in the soil and the seeds are sown .

Answered by savithananda



Healthy and good quality seeds are the roots of a healthy crop. The seeds that are used to cultivate new crops have to be selected very carefully and of high quality. The good quality seeds can either be bought from different sources or farmers can produce by their own. The selection of seeds is used to improve the quality of yields. There are several diseases that are transmitted via the seeds. If the selected seeds are from the infected fields then the seed-borne diseases will cause severe problems in the agricultural process. Thus, always obtain seeds from healthy plants. Along with the diseases free and healthy seeds, farmers also need to check the germination period of the seeds, nutrients required and other benefits in terms of yield and finance. Overall, selecting good quality seeds are essential for growing strong and healthy crops


Sowing seeds are necessarily the essential part of crop production. After the preparation of soil, the previously selected seeds are scattered in the field. This process is called sowing. Sowing should be done carefully and evenly. If seeds are not sown uniformly, overcrowding of crops happens. For sufficient sunlight, water and other requirements congestion need to be prevented. There are two different methods of sowing the seeds. Traditionally, sowing is done manually by hands and in some places, seed drilling machines are used.

Traditional method or Sowing by hands

This is the most common and generally practised method by all the farmers. This is a very simple process, in which seeds are scattered by hands. This process is called broadcasting, which is the most economical method. Here, seeds are sown either by hand or by using tools. Sowing of seeds by hand is called broadcasting. This is common, but a uniform distribution is not maintained.

Sowing by seed drilling machines

This is a modern method used in some part of the world for sowing seeds. In this method, iron drills or the funnels filled with seeds are connected to a tractor. As the plough moves, seeds are distributed into the furrow made by the plough and are covered. This method is more advantageous than the traditional method. In this method, seeds are distributed evenly at regular distances and depth. This is profitable in terms of both labour and time.


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