What is sentence ?
Types of sentence
Sentence is a group of words which are in such order that makes a sense. It mostly contain a Subject and Predicate.
Example :- prachi loves to dance.
Prachi is the subject here.
loves to dance is the predicate here.
Types of Sentences :-
Declarative Sentence :-
Declares something Makes a statement
It is the most common type of Sentence
Ends with a full stop (.)
Example :- Rahul was Happy.
Imperative Sentence :-
It is a Sentence which conveys a order, command, wish or request.
Example :-
Please pass the salt.
Interrogative Sentence :-
Yes/no questions
Ends with question mark (?)
Choice questions
Wh Questions - Who ? What ? Why ? etc.
Example :- where is she ?
Exclamatory Sentence :-
Used for powerful feelings
Conveys emotions
Adds punch to full Writing
Sentences include Exclamatory mark (!)
Example :- Wow ! Such a beautiful girl.
sentences are group of words.. that have some meaning ...
types of sentences
1.imperetive sentence..
declarative. sentences
interrogative sentences.
exclamatory sentences