Biology, asked by Rittikahazra, 1 year ago

what is shape of Mammary gland??


the shape of mammary gland is almost similar to a semicircle
it is found in females and is also called as breasts.

darsh105: hi
Answered by Anonymous
44 sisy Rittika.....☺️♥️☺️

____Here is your answer dear sis____

☑️Mammary gland :---
Human female has a pair of mammary glands usually known as breasts, that contain glandular tissues and fatty tissues.

◼️Shape and Size :---
It's shape and size depends on body fats, age, race, and pregnancy too.
Example :-- During lactation period it becomes of large size for the best nourishment for the baby.
You can see much more about it's shape and part in the above pic....

☑️Something more about breasts :---
1.) The glandular tissues which are present in breasts, each tissue divided into 15-20 mammary lobes.
2.) Each lobes consists of a group of alveoli.
3.) The alveoli open into mammary tubules.
4.) The mammary tubules of each lobe open into small mammary duct.
5.) Several mammary ducts join to form a wider mammary ampulla that is connected to the lactiferous ducts just before the nipple through which milk is released out.

Hope it will help you Rittika ☺️✌️
Thanks sis♥️

akhlaka: outstanding answer di...❤
akhlaka: always wlcm di..❤
Rittikahazra: Many many thanks deepjaya di
darsh105: hi
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