What is SHG ? State its features and advantages ?
SHG is a holistic programme of micro-enterprises covering all aspects of self-employment, organization of the rural poor into self Help groups and their capacity building, planning of activity clusters, infrastructure build up, technology, credit and marketing. Advantages of SHGs:
(i) The SHGs help the borrower to overcome the problem of lack of collateral.
(ii) They can get timely loans for a variety of purposes and at a reasonable interest rates.
(iii) SHGs are the building blocks of organisation of the rural poor.
(iv) Not only does it help women to become financially self-reliant, the regular meetings of the group provide a platform to discuss and act on a variety of social issues such as health, nutrition, domestic violence, etc.
SHG is a holistic programme of micro-enterprises covering all aspects of self-employment, organization of the rural poor into self Help groups and their capacity building, planning of activity clusters, infrastructure build up, technology, credit and marketing.
- The SHGs create the common fund by contributing their small savings.
- Every member of the group actively participates in the functioning of SHGs and they meet regularly
- Their accounts and proceeding are maintained by the leader and leader is selected or elected among the group members.
- Amount of loans are small and for short period.
- Loan is sanctioned on ‘trust’ with minimum documentation and without any security.
- The rate of interest differs from group to group. It is generally little higher than that of charged by banks.
- Repayment of loan amount is generally on time.
- The SHGs help the borrower to overcome the problem of lack of collateral.
- SHGs are savings led and act as adhesive
- They give doorstep access to micro finance with near zero transaction cost
hope it helps you