what is shifting cultivation? What is its disadvantages?
Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned while post-disturbance fallow vegetation is allowed to freely grow while the cultivator moves on to another plot.
One major disadvantage of shifting cultivation, also known as SLASH & BURN,is that large areas of land are made vulnerable to soil erosion. Better still, slash and burn requires more intense labor at the beginning of each planting season, since the clearing up of a new farm site each year is a matter of must.
shifting cultivation:
★Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily
disadvantages of shifting cultivation:
★The primary disadvantage of shifting cultivation, also called slash and burn or swidden agriculture, is the destruction of large areas of land, primarily crop fields and tracts of forest. When performed improperly, slash and burn can make once-fertile lands unable to support the new growth of crops and plants.