What is shrutisum bhinnarthak shabd?
Please explain in English as well...
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ऐसे शब्द जो पढ़ने और सुनने में लगभग एक-से लगते हैं, परंतु अर्थ की दृष्टि से भिन्न्न होते हैं, श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द कहलाते हैं।
Such words which seems almost one to read and hear, but are different in terms of meaning, are called Shrutisam divergent words.(Homonyms Words)
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shrutisum bhinnarthak shabd means the word which sounds same but has different meanings.
ex- accept and except. the meaning of these two words are different.
Accept- I accepted your gift.
except- All of u can join my group except rani.
hope it helps.
please mark it brainliest answers
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