what is significant source of employment
it means that sources are present for employment which are needed
employment is an important part of the economic, social and environmental development process and procedure of any country. Employment provides financial freedom and decision making power. Employment opportunities for citizens in India can help to reduce corruption, remove terrorism.
Examples of source of employment. Developing economies are diverse and complex, and in most cases agriculture remains an important source of employment, output and foreign currency earnings. The nobility possessed large estates which formed an important source of employment.
This paper considers the significance and validity of employment as a goal for young people with special educational needs. It begins by discussing the salience of employment as a key stage in the transition to adulthood. Drawing on an SOED‐funded study of the post‐16 experiences of young people with special educational needs, perceptions of the importance of employment held by young people and their parents are explored. These are contrasted with the views of professionals. The paper concludes that, in line with the aspirations of the young people, preparation for employment should be regarded as one of a number of valid educational objectives. However, the employment prospects of young people with special educational needs are currently bleak and are affected by a range of factors including the personality of the young person, the nature of their disability, the degree of family support and the availability of employment as well as the quality of their educational experience. Employment prospects are only likely to improve if positive action is taken, such as the enforcement of the quota scheme for the employment of disabled people, which is widely ignored by employers. The importance of tackling the structural problem of unemployment is also underlined
individuals, work is an important feature in structuring: personal and social identity; family and social bonds; ways of making money, and thereby accessing a number of essential and non-essential goods, services and activities; daily routines; level of activity; physical and mental well-being; self-confidence and self-esteem; a sense of self-worth provided by the feeling of contributing to society or the common good
For societies, work is an important feature in: promoting community cohesion and safety; increasing civic participation; reducing public spending in a range of welfare benefits (provided, of course, that work is performed in a decently paid job); promoting social and economic development; organising social life at a macro level