what is size of south korea? what is location of south korea? what is longitude of south korea? what is Latitude of south korea?
South Korea is located on the geographic coordinates of 36.0000° N latitude and 128.0000° E longitude in Asia.
The Republic of Korea, or South Korea , as it is popularly called bears the latitude and longitude denominations of 37º00´ N and 127º30´ E respectively. South Korea's latitude and longitude denominations position it on the eastern side of the Asian continent and towards the south of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea's latitude and longitude co-ordinates position it beside the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan. South Korea' capital city, Seoul , has latitude and longitude denominations corresponding to 37°34 N and 127°00 E respectively.
South Korea's latitude and longitude denominations provide it with a climate that is predominantly temperate but with heavy rainfall especially in the summer months.
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35.9078° N, 127.7669° E Based on the GPS coordinates of South Korea, it is evident that the country is situated above the equator.