Social Sciences, asked by saransiddharthk, 6 months ago

what is soil erosion? how to control it​


Answered by sdiva0702


Water or air that moves over a soil surface applies forces to the soil particles on the surface. If the forces are large enough, they move the particles. The stronger the current or wind, the more particles are put into motion. Larger and heavier particles tend to roll or hop near the soil surface. Finer and lighter particles are carried upward from the soil surface. In nature, the finest particles may be carried for hundreds or even thousands of kilometers high in the atmosphere before they fall out!

Soil erosion is a serious problem in many areas of the world. Soil takes thousands of years to form, but much of it can be eroded by just a few unusually heavy rainstorms or strong winds. Bare soil surfaces are very likely to be eroded by a sudden heavy rainstorm. The running water can cut a channel, called a gully, in the soil surface. Once the gully is cut, the force of the water is focused there. This deepens the channel. One very good way to reduce soil erosion is to keep the soil surface covered with vegetation. Another way is to plant crops in rows that follow the contours of the land surface rather than running up and down a slope.

hope it helps

Answered by iamthemachoman710


Soil erosion is the displacement of the upper layer of soil; it is a form of soil degradation.

  1. Crop Rotation: Rotating in high-residue crops — such as corn, hay, and small grain — can reduce erosion as the layer of residue protects topsoil from being carried away by wind and water.
  2. Contour Farming: Planting in row patterns that run level around a hill — instead of up and down the slope — has been shown to reduce runoff and decrease the risk of water erosion.
  3. Strip Farming: In areas where a slope is particularly steep or there is no alternative method of preventing erosion, planting fields in long strips alternated in a crop rotation system (strip farming) has proven effective.
  4. Terrace Farming: Many farmers have successfully combated erosion by planting in flat areas created on hillsides in a step-like formation (terrace farming).

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