Physics, asked by aqua089, 11 months ago

What is space time and 4 dimension ?


Answered by dhruvsh
Space Time and 4th dimension, always one of my favorite topics to talk about and I always find this interesting !

Well, it was later maybe by Einstein, during his golden years of the early 20th century, when he wrote papers on Special Relativity and just a bit later on General Relativity, where he wanted to prove his mass-energy equivalence
However, it was back then in 1905 when , in his paper on Special Relativity, he introduced the term of Space time to explain the phenomenon like Time dilation, length contraction, Causality, Spontaneity and so on.
Well , space Time is nothing but the original two axes x and y and the third axes being the time axis. So, it is just like our three dimensional graph plane however, the third axis being of time here

This idea was later opposed by many, since the units of time and length weren't the same.

So, clever Einstein, introduced something called the Four Momentum Vector, by which further he assisted and guided his colleagues to go on and prove the relation
(P/c)^2 = m^2 c^4 + {p(0})^2c^2

Which further was called as
E = mc^2
Perhaps not completely true but still the most famous equation of all time.

Sounds good isn't it? ^_^

Well, it was further into the 20th century that physicists like Erwin Schrodinger , Max Planck , Max Born , etc went onto something called Quantum Mechanics
So, there were ideas going on introducing time as the fourth dimension
However, this was completely rejected and proved wrong by the old but yet active Einstein , and proved a new thing called tesseract as of fourth dimension.

We can't however even imagine what a tesseract is !

Well, this was something that I knew of these things ! hope that's useful !

Thanks !


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