Computer Science, asked by Kush2006, 1 year ago

what is steps to solve simple expressions, ?


Answered by DikshaBDJ
the first step in solving an equation is to make the equation as simple as possible. This means that you need to start by using the golden rule of equation solving and the order of operations, PEMDAS, to make the expression on each side of the equals sign as simple as possible. In the example that we talked about last time, we added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided until we turned the equation

2 + x – 2 • 5 = 4 / 2 – x

into the very much simplified version of itself

x – 8 = 2 – x

These two equations may not look the same, but as we verified last time, they really are just different ways of writing the same underlying equation!
The next step in solving an equation for a particular variable is to use addition and/or subtraction to move every part of the equation that contains the variable you’re solving for to one side of the equals sign. In Knot Dude’s problem of solving for b in the Pythagorean Theorem, a^2 + b^2 = c^2, it’s most convenient for us to find a way to isolate b on the left side and move everything else to the other side.

As we learned last time, we can do that by subtracting a^2 from both sides (to keep everything balanced according to the golden rule). When we do that, we get a slightly different form of the Pythagorean Theorem equation that looks like

b^2 = c^2 – a^2

Kush2006: Thanks for solving my question
Answered by Gandharva8
1. get like terms together
2.solve like terms

so simple

[like terms means for eg 2 and 3 are like terms and 4x and 2x are also like terms as well as 4xyz and 97xyz are like terms [which have common factors]]
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