Biology, asked by Bact, 1 year ago

What is syngamy and it's types​


Answered by Anonymous

\huge\underline\orange{\mathcal Syngamy}

Sexual reproduction was first of all seen in protist . In sexual reproduction two haploid gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote . This process is called Syngamy.

It is of Three types :-

  • Isogamy
  • Anisogamy
  • Oogamy

Answered by akmalkhalid2003



It is also called fertilization. It involves the complete and permanent fusion of two haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote. It is the most common mode of sexual reproduction. Gametes involved are of two types—sperm and ovum.


Sperm, also called microgamete, is minute, microscopic and motile gamete formed by spermatogenesis in reproductive organ, called testis. Ovum (pi. ova), also called macrogamete, is large, spherical and non-motile and is formed by oogenesis in reproductive organ, called ovary. Both types of reproductive organs (testes and ovaries) are collectively called gonads.

When two types of gonads are present in separate parents, then these are called unisexual or Dioecious (e.g., many invertebrates- and all vertebrates), but when two types of gonads are found in same organism, then it is called bisexual or monoecious or hermaphrodite (e.g., earthworm. Taenia, Fasciola, leech).

Types of Syngamy:

On the basis of source of fusing gametes, syngamy is of two types:

(i) Endogamy (Self-fertilization):

It involves the fusion of two types of gametes derived from the same parent (uni-parental)

e.g., Taenia. It is a very rare process.

(ii) Exogamy (Cross-fertilization):

When two fusing gametes are derived from different parents (biparental)

e.g., in cockroach, frog, human beings etc. It is more common.

On the basis of structure of fusing gametes, syngamy is of following types:

(i) Isogamy:

When two fusing gametes are morphologically as well as physiologically similar to each other e.g., in Monocystis (a protozoan). Such gametes are called isogametes.

(ii) Anisogamy or Heterogamy:

When two fusing gametes are morphologically or physiologically different from each other, e.g., in frog, rabbit, human beings etc. Such gametes are called heterogametes or anisogametes {e.g., microgamete or sperm and macrogamete or ovum).

(iii) Hologamy:

When two organisms themselves act as gametes e.g., in yeasts.

Hope it helps

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