what is the abbreviation of DBRW in TM1
DBRW retrieves a value from a specified TM1® cube. When all element arguments (e1, e2, etc.) to the function are leaf elements, the DBRW function can also be used to write values to the specified cube, provided that the user has appropriate access privileges to the relevant cube, dimensions, elements, and/or cells.
hope it helps..
DBRW is an Excel based function for use with TM1 that retrieves a value from a specific intersection of a cube TM1.
I have a Sales Analysis cube with the following dimensions: Year, Month, Customer, Product, Measures. I want the intersection of:
2015 (Year),
Oct (Month),
The Corner Cafe (Customer),
Coffee (Product) and
Sales $ (Measure).
If I open Architect and navigate to this intersection, it says $1,230.00.
I now want to get that value in a cell in an Excel report. To do this I can use a DBRW or a DBR formula.
Syntax of DBRW
The syntax for DBRW is:
=DBRW(TM1ServerName:cubename, e1, e2, e3, …, en)
server:dimension, is the TM1 server ID, concatenated with a full colon and then the cube name you wish to interrogate
e1, is the element from the first dimension in the cube you are interrogating
e2, is the element from the second dimension in the cube you are interrogating
e3, is the element from the third dimension in the cube you want are interrogating
en, is the element from the nth dimension in the cube you want are interrogating
Importantly, the order of the elements listed in the DBRW formula must be identical to the order of the dimensions in the cube (otherwise TM1 will not know which dimension to look at for that element!).