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1) Pasteurization (or pasteurisation) is a process of heat processing a liquid or a food to kill pathogenic bacteria to make the food safe to eat. It involves heating the food to kill most harmful microorganisms. Producers pasteurize dairy and other foods to make them safe to eat. The process is named after Louis Pasteur. He was the first person to learn how to do it successfully. The first pasteurization was done by Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard on 20 April 1862.
2) * Breathing Difficulties
* Heart Damage
* Cancer
* Behaviour changes
Here is your answer
1. Pasteurization (or pasteurisation) is the process by which heat is applied to food and beverages to kill pathogens and extend shelf life. Typically, the heat is below the boiling point of water (100 °C or 212 °F). While pasteurization kills or inactivates many microorganisms, it is not a form of sterilization, because bacterial spores are not destroyed. Pasteurization extends shelf life via heat inactivation of enzymes that spoil food.
Pasteurization is named for Louis Pasteur, who developed a method to kill microbes in 1864. However, the process has been in use since at least 1117 AD.ex:Milk,Nuts,Syrup,Vinegar,dairy products.
2.Harmful effects of chemical preservatives
- One of the possible harmful effects of preservatives could be a trigger for breathing problems asthama, bronchitis.
- Preservatives can cause problem within young children like hyperactive behaviour. This problem is also measured by parental and objective reporting.
- Sustained and excessive consumption of artificial preservatives can weaken heart tissues which is dangerous especially for the aged people.
- They could contain BHA and BHT food additives which could be cancer causing. BHT is used in cereals and fats while BHA could be present in potatoes, meats and other baked goods.
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