what is the best way to get a hold of light
hi mate,
=> Light holders can be many different things. Different shapes and sizes and have different uses. Light holders can be candle holders and lamps, fixtures and flashlights, lanterns and cell phones. But. People are light holders also.
=> Friends, family, co-workers, even strangers. Light holders are those people in our lives that hold their lights when ours are faint.
=> They help us see the path when all around us are dark clouds.
=> We always hear about people holding space for others. Holding space for others is an admirable thing to do.
=> Being available to share and be with someone during difficult life situations imparts great compassion and empathy.
Except. There are times the space they are in is toxic.
=> The environment, no matter how much we “hold space” for them, is not going to improve. In many cases, it’s growing more toxic and dangerous by the day. Holding light in this instance is the ability to light the path for them to escape.
=> Holding your light for someone else is not only being the light at the end of the tunnel but it’s lighting the way out of the tunnel.
It looks like this-
Believing them
=> Helping find resources to meet immediate needs -food/shelter/income/therapy
Encouraging creative brainstorming (this empowers and build self-esteem while helping them change perspective)
=> Setting your own strong personal boundaries while mentoring how to set boundaries Giving them a ride
=> Networking/introducing the person to others to help overcome social isolation
Calling to check on them -daily if needed. ( not texting or Fb messaging, they need to hear a voice)
=> When you hold your light for someone, your not giving them your light. Your not loaning your light to them. Your holding yours to help them see.
=> If you give up your light to others you become codependent. When your codependent, your light only shines if and when it is held by someone else. That’s not why you were given a light to hold.
=> This epidemic of social isolation is amassing victims of all ages, economic statuses, religious affiliations and genders. We have more to do than just hold space for others. It’s time we hold out light for others.
=> Social isolation isn’t going away because some policy is written or movement is started. It starts with us. Each of us. Grab your light, we have work to do.
You can start holding your light for someone by just… smiling at them.
i hope it helps you.
hi mate,. => Light holders can be many different things. Different shapes and sizes and have different uses. Light holders can be candle ...
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Answer:hlo mate here is ur answer.. Explanation:hope it helps u dear More
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hi mate, => Light holders can be many different things. Different shapes and sizes ... More
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How to Hold Light for Someone. Grab your light and lets get to work | by L ...
04-Nov-2019 · One of the best storms we've had a quite while. ... Light holders are those people in our lives that hold their lights when ours are faint.