Physics, asked by gsridhar22, 7 months ago

What is the best way to learn to solve physics problems ? How to remember and learn what formulas we should use for a particular problem? Can someone help me please


Answered by Anonymous


Scan through and familiarize. In Physics, there are variables which are repeated, like 'r' or 'R' is used for radius and it is common in most of the formulas. ...

Apply and practice solving. ...

Learn to derive formulas. ...

Understanding the structure and units of a formula. ...

Take notes. ...

Visualize and test yourself.

Oh sure, I do end up learning a lot of them, just by coincidence, when you use the same equations often enough, you naturally begin to remember them — but it is absolutely not my goal to memorise them.

What you need to revise is the concepts and methods that underlie the equations, and that you understand where the equation comes from.

The equations themselves aren't important; what is important is why they say that, what it means, and when the appropriate time to apply that method is.

Memorising equations isn't what physics is about. That's why most tests (or at least, good ones) on physics give you a formula booklet, or give you the equation in the question


moreover have confidence on u that u can do it! understand the concept and do it! when u love physics it starts loving u❤!

hope it helps u

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Answered by khushi916824


Memorizing formulas may get a bit tricky when you have such a vast syllabus to study. Many times you have to go back to some old books for old formulas you might have forgotten. So, here is what you can do to memorize formulas in Physics, Chemistry, and Math.


Tips To Memorize Formulas

Firstly, why do we forget formulas?

There may be a few general reasons like lack of concentration (focus), less time and too much to grasp, or difficulty in relating which formula is used for which problem. Working on such issues is the priority, else you may end up forgetting some really important formulas. You must know one thing for sure, that all formulas are important and easy to master.

So, let’s learn how to remember formulas for each of the subject:

Tips to memorize formulas in Physics

1. Scan through and familiarize

In Physics, there are variables which are repeated, like ‘r’ or ‘R’ is used for radius and it is common in most of the formulas. So first make a list and study which variable is for what, this is how you get familiar with them. Simply scan through them first and try and remember which formula belongs to which chapter and what the variables indicate. Do not simply mug up. You must learn by writing formulas at least 5 times for each chapter, and repeat this for at least a week, one hour daily. This will help you get used to them and it will be less difficult since our eyes capture the picture of what we see so writing them can be beneficial.

2. Apply and practice solving

Practising will help you learn to apply the formulas in the right manner and in the right sequence at the same time. When you solve problems based on a formula you will understand how to use it and where to use which formula. Plus as you solve problems you will automatically remember the formulas.

3. Learn to derive formulas

You can’t remember everything. Therefore, you need to reduce the load of memorizing hundreds of formulas together. The best way to do that is to derive the formula. There are formulas which can be derived from other formulas and this make the process of memorizing very easy. A short list of formulas in the Circular Motion chapter or any other chapter in Physics will help you derive many other formulas as shown below:

a. d (diameter of the circle in meters(m)) = 2r ( is the radius of the circle in m)

b. v (is the speed of motion in m/s) = ωr

c. a (magnitude of the acceleration of motion in m/s2)= ωv

d. ω (angular frequency s-1) = 2πf

e. T (length of time of a revolution in seconds) =1/f (number of revolutions per unit time in s-1 /Hz)

f. C (circumference of the circle in m) = 2πr

For example,

v = ωr and a=ωv

can give you a relation between a and r

a=ω2r so from two basic formulas you can derive another formula which you need not memorize.

4. Understanding the structure and units of a formula


Consider, a= F/m

Here force is on the top as you need force to move the object quickly so it has an upper hand while mass has to be moved with a force so you need force to accelerate the mass.

Whereas, a=m/F has an upper hand but remember without force an object cannot move so it cannot be possible that mass is on the top. So here has to be something wrong in the formula.


Again, a= F/m

The unit of acceleration is a=m/s2 (since a =vω, ω =1/s and v=m/s ∴ a=m/s2 )

So when you solve the units of F and m you must get the unit of acceleration.

Now, F is force and m is for mass of an object;

F=kg.m/s2 or Newton and m (mass)=kg

so when you substitute in a,

a=(F/m) =(kg.m/kg.s2) = m/s2

5. Take notes

Make notes with the important formulas and stick it up your wall or cupboard or just beside the mirror. This will help you glance through and not forget the formulas.

6. Visualize and test yourself

Select a couple of problems and write the formula you will use for each of the problems. In case, you come across a problem where you don’t remember the formula, mark it red on the list you made so you do not forget it again. Take a test on Embibe and see if you can apply the formulas. Also do not use the formula list while solving problems.

Tips to memorize formulas in Math

Math has a lot of formulas as compared to any other subjects and hence you have to master in the right manner. You wouldn’t want to lose your marks

Hope this will help you......

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