What is the chemical equation for Rancidity of oils and fats
Answer: no equation
When fats and oils are oxidised, they become rancid and their smell and taste is changed. This is called Rancidity. Usually substances which prevent oxidation (antioxidants like Nitrogen, B.H.T.) are added to foods containing fats and oil. Keeping food in air tight containers helps to slow down oxidation or Rancidity.
The condition produced by aerial oxidation of fats and oils in foods marked by unpleasant smell and taste is called rancidity.
Rancidity spoils the food materials prepared in fats and oils which have been kept for a considerable time and makes them unfit for eating.
Rancidity can be prevented by adding anti-oxidants to foods containing fats and oils. It can also be prevented by flushing fat and oil containing foods with nitrogen before sealing