What is the continent in the globe which is entirely to the South of the Equator?
The Southern Hemisphere is the half sphere of the Earth which is south of the equator. It contains all or parts of five continents(Antarctica, Australia, about 9/10 of South America, the southern third of Africa, and several southern islands off the continental mainland in Asia), four oceans (Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and South Pacific) and most of Oceania.
List of continents and countries:
Continents and microcontinents:
Africa (approximately one third, from south of Libreville in Gabon in the west to south of Somalia in the east)
Asia (the very southern island portion including East Timor, most of Indonesia and a few islets of the Maldives)
Australia (the entire mainland is in the Southern Hemisphere)
South America (mostly, south of the Amazon River mouth in the east and Quito in the west)
Zealandia (New Caledonia, the New Zealand landmass and associated islands are wholly within the Southern Hemisphere)
Explanation:Antarctica, Australia and South America lie entirely in South but Africa, Asia lie partially in South