What is the difference b/w negative and positive freedom ?
Negative freedom (or negative liberty) consists of freedom from something whereas positive freedom (or positive liberty) consists of the ability to do something.
Negative freedom therefore consists of laws to combat discrimination whereas positive freedom enables those on limited incomes to lead a more fulfilled and meaningful existence.
In regard to the two main strands of liberal thought, classical liberals advocate negative freedom whereas social liberals favour positive freedom.
The distinction between positive and negative freedom is a significant one in terms of the proper role of the state. The goal of negative freedom demands a limited role for the state, whereas positive freedom results in a larger role for the state. Following on from this, the role of the state is an absolutely key dividing line within liberal thought between those on the right of the libertarian axis and those on the left.
In the realm of economic policy, classical liberals such as the Austrian school of economists extol the virtues of laissez-faire economies. The role of the state must therefore be limited to that of a night-watchman (e.g. to ensure that legal contracts are upheld and the marketplace runs smoothly). In contrast, social liberals such as the founder of the modern welfare state William Beveridge (1942) believe that the most vulnerable within society require a degree of state as