what is the difference between autofilter and advanced filter
For example, sorting a list of names of students alphabetically or marks in descending order from the highest to the lowest.
(ii) Filtering is a quick and efficient method where you display only that data that meets a given criteria. Ms excel uses two types of filtering methods, that is, Auto filter and Advanced filter.
AutoFilter | AdvancedFilter.
| AutoFilter. | AdvancedFilter. |
|Use the AutoFilter |Use an AdvancedFilter in|
|feature to find, show, |Excel to create a list of |
|or hide values-in one |unique items, or to extract|
|or more columns of |specific items to a different|
|data. You can filter |worksheet. You can use |
|based on choices you| complex criteria with an |
|make from a list, or | AdvancedFilter, so it is |
|search to find the data| useful when a simple |
|that you seek. |AutoFilter, can't do what |
| | you need. |
[Hope it's helpful].
Thank you.
(Plzzz mark me as brainlist).