what is the difference between each and every???
Each apple is red
Every apple is red
By this example u can understand the difference between each and every.
May this helps u
thank u dear
Hey, here is your answer.. So, thank you for your question. If you haven't asked, then I wouldn't know, too. I wouldn't have even think about it. So, thank you so much for your question ^_^ You may report my answer if you don't like. I didn't know the answer earlier so I researched about it(Just being honest). Now I know what is the difference between them.
According to my research,
1)each refers to an individual object or person, while the term every refers to a group of objects or people lumped together as one.
My own examples: Every singer can sing( meaning all of the singers can sing)
Each painter paints differently.( meaning one painter paints differently from another)
2)Each is used for the individual person or item, and the focus is on the individual, not the group. Every is also used for the individual, although the focus is shifted to the group.
3)Each indicates two or more objects or people and every indicates three or more. Each can also be used as a pronoun, but every cannot be.
More examples( from the web):
1)She had clearly been in a fight. She had bruises on each leg and cuts on each arm (OR: on both legs / on both arms, BUT NOT: on every leg / on every arm)
2)My parents have moved to the capital. Each of them works in a bank. (OR They both work…, / They each work…, BUT NOT: Every one of them works…
3)We each had a suitcase and each one weighed over 30 kilos. ( = two people, two suitcases)
4)He was holding a revolver in each hand / in both hands( = two hands, two revolvers)
5)He was holding a revolver with both hands ( = two hands, one revolver)