what is the difference between Gram sabha and Gram Panchayat
A Gram Panchayat is established in each Gram sabha area
If there is more than one Gram Sabha in a Gram Panchayat, apart from the headquarter of the Gram Panchayat, each Gram Sabha will have its own office in its village, such as the house of an ordinary person.
Gram sabha is the village or group of villages which consists of population approximately around 1500 members
Every elder member of the village is by default the member of Gram Sabha so there is no question of electing members of Gram Sabha and dissolving the Gram Sabha.
They meet as and when it is required to make deliberations.
They elect the members of Panchayat ( Gram Panchayat area divided into wards and each ward elected one member).
Gram Panchayat,
Deputy commissioner is empowered to declare a village or group of villages of population approximately around 5-7 thousand as Gram Panchayat Area.
Gram Panchayat consists of elected members at the rate of 1 member per 400 people.
Among these members the president and vice President of Gram Panchayat are elected by the members.
This Gram Panchayat is essentially an executive body which makes planning and administration of the Gram Panchayat area.
hope it's helpful