what is the difference between GUI and CUI
1. GUI stands for graphical user interface.
2. It is a user interface which user interact with applications by making use of graphics.
3. In GUI more than one task can run simultaneously.
4. The user interacts by pointing the applications using devices like mouse.
5. It is a very user friendly interface. For example, Windows, Linux, etc.
1. CUI stands for character user interface.
2. In CUI user has to interact with the applications by making use of commands.
3. In CUI only one task can run at a time.
4. DOS is an example of CUI.
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Websites like this one use GUI (Graphics User Interface) which uses both pictures and images which helps us easily understand things. But in CUI (Command User Interface) every communication/command is in the form of code. GUI is widely used in everyday websites and applications. CUI is used for advanced purposes like programming.