CBSE BOARD X, asked by ylkpani, 10 months ago

What is the difference between homologous and analogous organs in the X board exam point of view


Answered by deepsen640


(A) Analogous organs are organs that are similar in function but have different basic structure which means that they have different origin. For example- Wings of a bird and wings of a bat are analogous organs which have same function of flying but have different basic structure of wings.

Homologous organs are organs that have different functions but have similar basic structure i.e. they have common origin. For example- Forelimbs of man and Forelimbs of frog are similar in structure but they perform completely different functions. Forelimbs of frog are used to prop up at front ends while at rest whereas forelimbs of human are used for grasping.


Answered by heman67

homologus organs -

* organs that have same evolutionary origin .

* but they perform different function

* It leads to divergent evolution

analogus organs

* organs have different evolutionary origin

* but they all perform the same function

* it leads to convergent evolution

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