What is the extrusion process of proteins and lipids?
The food components that play an important role in the extrusion cooking processes are: starch, proteins, lipids, low molecular sugars, and fibers. During extrusion cooking the raw materials are transformed and manipulated in the way to provide products with a unique structure and texture
here is your answer
Extrusion is a versatile and very efficient technology that is
widely used in food and feed processing. The cooking extruders
have found many applications, which include: breakfast cereals,
snack foods, other cereal based products, pet food and aquatic
texturized vegetable proteins, confectionery products,
chemical and biochemical reactions, and oil extraction. Lipids are
components that play an important role in most of the extrusion
cooking processes. They can act as plastificizers or emulsifiers,
and affect more significantly texture and stickiness of the
extrudate. This paper reviews effect of oils and other lipids
reactions during extrusion cooking as well as the effects of
amylase-lipid complexation on extrudate quality.
The food components that play an important role in the extrusion cooking processes are: starch, proteins, lipids, low molecular sugars, and fibers. During extrusion cooking the raw materials are transformed and manipulated in the way to provide products with a unique structure and texture.