What is the Factors Affecting Evaporation.....?????
Factors that affect evaporation include the concentration of the evaporating substances in air, temperature, air pressure, the rate of airflow and surface area.
Factors Affecting Evaporation
• The rate of evaporation increases with an increase of surface area.
• With the increase of temperature, more number of particles get enough kinetic energy to go into the vapour state.
• Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in air. The air around us cannot hold more than a definite amount of water vapour at a given temperature. If the amount of water in air is already high, the rate of evaporation decreases.
• Wind speed : the higher the wind speed , the more evaporation.
Evaporation cause cooling.
The particles of liquid absorb energy from the surrounding to regain the energy lost during evaporation.