English, asked by Wilsonjesus, 11 months ago

What is the form of god existence ?


Answered by Anonymous
The existence of God is a subject of debate in the philosophy of religion and popular culture.[1]

A wide variety of arguments for and against the existence of God can be categorized asmetaphysical, logical, empirical, or subjective. In philosophical terms, the question of the existence of God involves the disciplines ofepistemology (the nature and scope ofknowledge) and ontology (study of the nature of being, existence, or reality) and the theory of value (since some definitions of God include "perfection").

The Western tradition of philosophical discussion of the existence of God began withPlato and Aristotle, who made arguments that would now be categorized as cosmological. Other arguments for the existence of God have been proposed by St. Anselm, who formulated the first ontological argument; Ibn Rushd (Averroes) and Thomas Aquinas, who presented their own versions of the cosmological argument (the kalam argumentand the first way, respectively); René Descartes, who said that the existence of a benevolent God is logically necessary for the evidence of the senses to be meaningful; andImmanuel Kant, who argued that the existence of God can be deduced from the existence of good. John Calvin argued for asensus divinitatis, which gives each human a knowledge of God's existence.

Philosophers who have provided arguments against the existence of God include the aforementioned Kant, David Hume, Friedrich Nietzsche and Bertrand Russell. In modern culture, the question of God's existence has been discussed by scientists such as Stephen Hawking, Francis Collins, Lawrence M. Krauss, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan,[2] Neil deGrasse Tyson and John Lennox, as well as philosophers including Richard Swinburne,Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig, Rebecca Goldstein, A. C. Grayling, Daniel Dennett,Edward Feser, David Bentley Hart, Reza Aslanand Sam Harris.

jaskaransandhep7oysc: How u can type so much
demonsking52801: copied
demonsking52801: wait let me check the site
Wilsonjesus: Good answer.
Answered by demonsking52801
god = sh*t
it's just a sh*t believe whiçh cause all the difference between people
if there will be no god then no differences will be there between humans we all will be the same

it's a believe who give some people a thinking to live in a mystery world where people rather than looking upon the science behind it they look for some magic to happen.

at any exam time they waste their precious time in praying any sh*t thing

just believe your self and just look upto your aim

jaskaransandhep7oysc: U don't believe in God
jaskaransandhep7oysc: And god = what
demonsking52801: i do believe myself i don't need to believe any sh*t to run my life
jaskaransandhep7oysc: Then ur life welcome to u but stop saying god anything u don't believe but others do
jaskaransandhep7oysc: Believe urself
demonsking52801: ok
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