what is the full form of PAPA
Protection, exactness, property and openness, these are the four noteworthy issues of data morals for the data age.
In question with the expanded utilization of data innovation is the nature of our lives should we, or our kids, survive.
The questioned has not mentioned any reference or context. However, here are the some full forms for PAPA.
PAPA - "Privacy, Accuracy, Property, Accessibility"
PAPA - "Pedispheroidal Amateur Prognostication Association"
PAPA - "Parenting And Paternity Awareness"
PAPA - "Plan Ahead Path Algorithm"
PAPA - "Professional Aerial Photographers Association"
PAPA - "Parenting and Paternity Awareness"
PAPA - "People Aligned in Positive Action"
PAPA - "Persona, Audience, Purpose, Author"
PAPA - "Political Asylum Project of Austin"
PAPA - "Plein Air Painters of America"
PAPA - "Privacy Accuracy Property and Accessibility"
PAPA - "Public Access Preservation Association"
PAPA - "Prepare to Abandon Platform Alarm"
PAPA - "Peninsula Advertising Photographers Association"
PAPA - "Piedmont Antique Power Association"
PAPA - "Premature Accelerated Physiological Aging"
PAPA - "Pump Activated Pressure Amplifier"
PAPA - "Pesticide Applicators Professional Association"
PAPA - "Pump Activated Pressure Amplifier"
PAPA - "Phoenixville Area Positive Alternatives"
PAPA - "Professional and Amateur Pinball Association"
PAPA - "Paducah Area Painters Alliance"