what is the gravitational force that holds see solar system together
Gravitational Force Holds The Solar System together.
In solar system planets move in circular orbit around the sun and the satellites move in circular orbit around the planets . A force is needed to make an object move in the circular orbit .In the case of planets moving around the sun the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force of the Sun . And in the case of satellite moving around the planet, the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force of the planets we will now discuss the case of the sun and the earth and that of the Earth and the Moon .
Since the masses of the sun and the earth are very very large except very large force on one another. It is the gravitational force between the sun and the earth which keeps the earth in uniform circular motion around the sun
Similarly the gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon make some moon revolves at uniform speed around the earth that the gravitational force is responsible for the existence of our solar system.