what is the importance of inheritance of Rh factor in human beings particullarly if an Rh- women marries an Rh+ man?
rhus factor is present on the surface of RBC like Blood group A or B , but in blood group for example say if a person is A type then he has antigen of A on surface of RBC so the body produce antibody of B, cause if it produced antibody of A then antigen will be killed by antibody... but in rhus type say if a person is +ve which means rhus antigen is present so they don't produce antibody against rheus antigen. but say if a person is -ve they should produce antibody against rheu antigen right ? . actually no, they dont produce antibody just like rh+ ve people from birth but if some blood of rh+ve mix with -ve for the first time then only they produce the antibody. the problem with rh-ve women marry a rh+ve man is during first birth if the child is rh+ve the blood may mix up , so the mother can develop antibody against rh +ve , so for second baby the antibodies can enter and attack the baby during pregnancy.