what is the incident in the chapters 7,8,9,10 of three men in a boat
The boat moves ahead. The narrator Criticises ladies for their dress sense. They do not know how to dress up for a boat ride. They spoil the fun of their companions. The narrator does not like Harris for expressing his desire to visit Mrs. Thomas’ grave. Finally, he pacifies Harris who was keen to visit Mrs Thomas’ grave.
where George joins them. Three important incidents are described in this chapter. The first concerns the man who tries to blackmail them. The second concerns the song of Herr Boschen. The third concerns the narrator who sculls upto Walton. He finds himself sculling round and round at the same place. This provides amusement to the onlookers. Then George arrives and joins them.
The narrator describes his experience with tow line. There is a description of two men who lost their boat while dealing with the tow-line. The narrator says that being towed by girls is an exciting experience. He describes what happened to him when he went out with a young lady, his cousin, on a river trip.
After the first day’s journey, they put up a camp at night and sleep. Their struggle to put up the cover has an element of humour. All the three become good, polite and happy after eating supper. They realise the futility of quarrels and anger. The night has a soothing effect on them. The soothing night, like some great loving mother, lays her hand on their feverish heads and removes their pain.
Hope it will help you
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