English, asked by beautiful66, 11 months ago

what is the influence of your mother on your up to now in your life and hope later reflect yours now's...

it my protect...

answer 200 words...

no spams


Answered by SilverAsh
Hey there,
This is an original answer
((As the answer is about influence, you have to state two or three examples, I have presented some, you can replace them by your own ))
My mother's influence on my life

Whenever we think of true love and dedication, the picture of our mother comes in our minds.
My mother has the greatest influence on my life. Since I was a child she taught me how to tie shoelaces, how to eat with one hand and all difficult, things which now seem to be too easy.

I remember when I was in 3rd standard, I had made a funny dance sequence for performance while others had prepared songs, poems, and storyes. I was extremely nervous, as everyone else was saying that I would get the lowest marks, I was going to quit, my mom knew that, she came to me and told me that whatever everyone says we should have confidence and true belief in ourselves... She told me that following the crowd is easy, but the bravest is the one who does the different. These words were like magic for me and I scored the highest in performance .
Its many years since then and till now people admire me for my acting skills.
She has supported and adviced me through all important turns and decisions of life, even the trivial ones, from choosing the subject for further studies to choosing a dress for a friend's birthday party.
She has taught me to know the good and the bad, to face difficulties, help your friends and always be honest. I have learnt the moral values, I have from her only.
She is practical, straightforward, yet kind and lovely, she is full of experiences and advices, she is my inspiration and my idol. She has the qualities of a perfect teacher and an amazing friend.
She has accepted my flaws and helped me improve my mistakes. I could not imagine my life, as it is, without her. She is my best friend, my guide, my teacher, and my inspiration.


((You can make changes and make it short if you want to))

I hope you liked it.....

beautiful66: good
SilverAsh: thank you very much....
beautiful66: welcome
SilverAsh: please mark it as brainliest.....
beautiful66: sure
SilverAsh: thanks a lot....
beautiful66: sorry for late response
SilverAsh: its okkk...thanks to select it
beautiful66: welcome
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