what is the instrument which can detect the presence of electric current in a circuit?
a) galvanometers
b) motor
c) generator
d) none of above.
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Hey friend
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An instrument used to detect the presence of electric current in a circuit is galvanometers
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This is your answer
An instrument used to detect the presence of electric current in a circuit is galvanometers
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The correct option of the question is-"what is the instrument which can detect the presence of electric current in a circuit?is-
a) galvanometers
A galvanometer is an instrument for detecting and measuring the presence of electric current in a circuit.
Electric Current -
Electric Current is the rate of flow of electrons in a conductor.
The SI Unit of electric current is the Ampere.
Unit of Electric current
Unit of Electric current is amperes and the instrument is named similar to the unit of electric current. Other options are instruments to measure either voltages or indicator of presence of current in the circuit.
An instrument used to measure electric current is called an ammeter.
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