what is the invisible line that marks the height of a font.
The invisible line which helps in marking the height of font is called the mean line, it is an imaginary line which calculates the distance from the base to the top of the text.
When there are text written in digital way, then the size of the text is same for all the characters being typed, and the process which is used to measure the height of those characters are nothing else than, the mean line. When the size of the text are same, then the top and base of all characters reside in between the mean line.
The invisible line that marks the height of a font is known as the ascender line. It is a part of the UI design, the ascender is what is called that portion of the letter above the base line. It is just the portion of a miniscule letter that exetends over the mean line of a font. it extends to the above portion of the main line of the font.