what is the LCM of 0.645
LCM(0.645, 0.6) = 25.8 Ok
the LCM of Decimal numbers given 0.654, 0.1 i.e. 32.7 the smallest number that divides all of them exactly.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 0.654, 0.1 is 32.7.
LCM(0.654, 0.1) = 32.7
LCM of 0.654, 0.1
Enter two or more decimals separated by "commas"
Ex: 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4, 0.5, 0.6
Given numbers are 0.654,0.1. The highest number of digits after the decimal point in the given case is 3
Thus, in order to get rid of the decimal point we need to multiply them with 1000. On doing so, they are as follows
0.654 x 1000 = 654
0.1 x 1000 = 100
On finding the LCM of 654,100 we get the Least Common Multiple as 32700
Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 654,100 By Common Division
2 654, 100
327, 50
∴ So the LCM of the given numbers is 2 x 327 x 50 = 32700
Divide the result you got with the number you multiplied to make it as integer in the first step. In this case, we need to divide by 1000 as we used it to make the given numbers into integers.
On dividing the LCM 32700/1000 we get 32.7
Thus the Least Common Multiple of 0.654,0.1 is 32.7
. What is the LCM of 0.654, 0.1?
Answer: LCM of 0.654, 0.1 is 32.7.
2. How to Find the LCM of 0.654, 0.1?
Answer: Least Common Factor(LCM) of 0.654, 0.1 = 32.7
Step 1: First calculate the highest decimal number after decimal point.
Step 2: Then multiply all numbers with 1000.
Step 3: Then find LCM of 654,100. After getting LCM devide the result with 1000 the value that is previously multiplied.
So LCM(0.654, 0.1) = 32.7.
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